About me

Hai! I'm Neon Kiyomi an artist living in the year 2888. Since time isn't linear we both exist at the same time no matter what year it is for YOU. The internet is simply the portal connecting us together. This is why my music sounds different to you. Sounds from another era you haven't experienced yet ♀

About Me

Greetings! I am Neon Kiyomi

An artist thriving in the cybernetic realm of 2888. In our non-linear existence, our realities converge through the limitless expanse of the digital cosmos. The internet serves as our conduit, bridging the gaps between temporal epochs. It is through this vast network that my music resonates—a symphony echoing from a distant epoch, unfathomed by your current temporal frame. Embrace the frequencies of tomorrow, where melodies intertwine with technologies yet to grace your present reality.

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S0UND5 FR0M TH3 Y3AR 2888